Thursday, April 24, 2008


Killer Curves
Originally uploaded by Cymer
The Baguio Flower Fetival. It's flower season in the city of Pines - perfect timing for an all-out fiesta in the streets. The Baguio folk take a break on these days to revel in the cool climate and the unique culture of the city. Multi-hued costumes are worn, mimicking the various blooms of the highland region (or any of its 11 ethnic tribes). These are flowerbeds - disguised, of course, as the Panagbenga parade floats.

Flores de Mayo

Filipina Beauty
Originally uploaded by Cymer
Flores de Mayo is a month long flower festival celebration in honor of the Virgin Mary. May is considered the flower festival month in honor of the Virgin Mary. In the rural areas, flower offerings are made daily in churches and temporary altars (tuklongs) in barrios. It culminates at the end of the month with the Santacruzan festival. A day long celebration, the statues of the Virgin Mary are dressed and paraded through streets lined by a variety of food items (bread, candies, fruits, bundles of coins) hanging from bamboo poles. The traditional procession features the Reina Elena with a little boy representing King Constantine and others biblical characters.